Master’s Message
We have been busy this month of December and are off to the races in the first week of the new year.
To bring everyone up to speed, our Masonic education at each meeting has continued, and our goal of restoring our beloved building to good health and more efficient functionality is moving forward quickly.
The Westminster Pl. (S.) entrance lock and Secretary’s door were serviced and repaired, and new keys were made.
The plumbing issue is now under control and repair work as well as preventative maintenance is being addressed.
A big thank you to WB Larry Clark and those who helped us get things under control quickly.
Our annual Tuscan Hall Association meeting took place on January 2nd, 2024 and the new board was elected. Congratulations to all of our new Board Members! More to come as they will have their first meeting soon.
The Lodge’s food drive was a big success. St. Louis Lodge #1 also contributed food and toys, as we delivered these items to Annie Malone Children and Family Services. The staff and families really appreciated our generosity.
As I have mentioned in Lodge, food insecurity is not just a seasonal issue for some families, This is a year-round problem. I ask each one of us to take the money we would spend frivolously each day and buy some food. We will collect it at Tuscan on meeting nights, scheduled events, and boy’s nights out to meet prospects or just to have fellowship. Remember we are here to help those less fortunate or those who have fallen on hard times. Let’s all do what we can to help those in need.
Our holiday was a big success as well. The accommodations at the St. Louis Club were amazing. Everyone had a great time and it was nice to see our spouses and significant others participate. A good time was shared by all. Looking forward to next year’s event already.
We have taken in 4 new petitions for membership this past month and completed 2 successful EA Degrees to kick off the new year, on Saturday, January the 6th. We started with a light coffee and donut refreshments at 7:30 am and began our work at 8:30 am.
A special thanks to our DDGM, RWB Christopher Rollins for his meaningful participation, serving as Master and Lecturer, and offering the Charge for both Degrees.
I would also like to thank our DDGL, RWB Robert Bowles for his official visit at our last communication. RWB Bowles, your insight is always enlightening. Offering encouragement and actionable items to improve upon. Thank you for all you do.
Finally, Brethren, it is an honor to serve our Lodge as Master and I know there are a lot of people who have and will continue to help our Lodge to move forward, positively. It takes a Lodge to raise a Master, Thank You!
I would like to leave you with this thought;
Hold fast to our Traditions, stay Relevant, and always look toward the Future.
Stay safe and be well, until we meet again,
RWB Andrew S. Oberman
Worshipful Master
Secretary’s Corner
It is with immense pleasure that I share with you some exciting news. We have kicked off the year with great momentum, and I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt congratulations to our two newest Entered Apprentices who received their 1st Degrees on the morning of January 6th. We eagerly anticipate receiving them, now as Brothers at our next communication, and sitting alongside them during what will be their first meeting. We should all collectively pour into them the best parts of Freemasonry, as we witness their journey within our Lodge and fraternity.
Furthermore, I am pleased to inform you that we are making great strides with our restored and reenergized Tuscan Hall Association, Board of Directors. Congratulations to the Brothers on their newly elected positions. They will play a crucial role in making recommendations to the Brethren regarding the general health of our beloved Lodge building.
As always, every Brother’s continued support and engagement are vital to the success of our Lodge. We encourage you to stay informed about our upcoming events by remembering to check our website’s events calendar at for all the latest updates.
Thank you all for being an integral part of our Masonic family. We look forward to the continued growth and success of our Lodge in the coming year.
RWB William E. Archibald