Master’s Message
I trust this correspondence finds you and your family well. We are off to a great start this year as we have successfully hosted and participated in a C2A class in October. For those who could not attend we had two candidates, brothers Scott Wilson Flewelling (receiving both his 2nd and 3rd degrees) and Tim Guernsey received his 3rd degree.
The Fellow Craft Degree was held in our Lodge on Monday the 23rd of October (Special Communication) and our very own brother Scott Wilson-Flewelling was the class exemplar.
The Grand Master was in attendance as well as MWB Richard Smith and MWB Dr. Ty G. Treutelaar were present. The turnout was wonderful as the seats in the Lodge were full.
Our officers did a great job opening and closing the Lodge as the Grand Master himself congratulated our officers on a job well done.
Thursday the 26th of October, we conferred the Master Mason Degree for both of our brothers as well as 6 others from the 47th District at Rose Hill temple. Again, the Lodge hall was filled, and our brothers were given a fantastic degree. Your very own Worshipful Master, Secretary, RWB Archibald, and Senior Warden, Bro. David Gengler participated in the degree work and Brothers RWB Archibald, and Bro. Gengler participated in the raising of our two newly made Master Masons.
This all could not take place without the efforts of St, Louis, Missouri Lodge No. 1 and Noble Lodge No. 684 as co-hosts to this event. I would like to give a special thanks the Grand Lodge Officers and representatives that gave our brothers Masonic education throughout the entire process.
We Having been part of this fraternity longer than I would like to admit (I remember when I was the youngest newly made Master Mason), I too learned from the very well
presented Masonic education given on both nights, remembering that Masonry is progressive, and we are ever looking for more light.
We have a lot on the calendar in the upcoming months, I encourage those who can try to travel with the Lodge and meet other Masons from around the city and state to please let us know that you are interested and coming to the scheduled events.
Please check the calendar which can be found on our website (, as well as, the attached Trestle Board.
Our first official visit to another Lodge was scheduled for Thursday November 2nd at Rose Hill where we were treated to a talk on King Solomon by Rabbi David Reinhart of United Hebrew Congregation.
We are looking forward to our next stated communication as we will be receiving RWB Chris Rollins our DDGM and our DDGL, RWB Robby Bowles. I look forward to seeing everyone who can make it to our regular stated communication.
Lastly, thank you all for your dedication and support of our Lodge and Freemasonry as a whole, Stay safe until we meet again.
RWB Andrew S. Oberman
Worshipful Master
Secretary’s Corner
Dear Brothers of Tuscan Lodge,
I hope this message finds you well. It’s with great pleasure that I share some exciting updates on our progress in this Masonic Calendar Year.
At our upcoming regular communication, we will be celebrating the raising of our two newest Master Masons, Brother Timothy Guernsey and Brother Scott A. Wilson-Flewelling. We are all eager to sit alongside them as they experience a Lodge of Master Masons for the first time!
I’m also pleased to report another successful off-site prospect meet and greet event, which was expertly organized by our Prospect Coordinator, Brother David Gengler. This event saw 3 of our Tuscan brethren, 1 visiting brother from Missouri, 1 visiting brother from Georgia, and 4 prospective members. It’s a clear demonstration of the growing interest in our Masonic family.
With the increasing interest in our Lodge, I want to emphasize the vital role of our veteran members. People seek our fraternity because they are searching for meaning and a connection to something greater than themselves. Let us all be intentional about welcoming them and sharing the values and fellowship that make Freemasonry so profound.
Our next prospecting event is scheduled for the 8th of this month. For details on this and all other events, please refer to our website’s Events Calendar at
I’m confident that we can continue this momentum and keep up the excellent work, upholding the values of our Masonic fraternity and furthering our Lodge’s growth. Thank you all for your dedication and commitment to our beloved Tuscan Lodge.
RWB William E. Archibald